Commissioned art by @abatintheattic on twitter.

The Life You Gave Me

R.E. Brenner

After being recruited into a ship of vigilante pirates, street kid Maddy falls deeply in love with noble pirate Araevin, before one day disappearing without a trace. Years later they stumble into each other with new lives and new traumas, trying to fit lost puzzle pieces back into place. More info here.

Banner art by @abatintheattic on Twitter.

About the book;

TLYGM has been in development since January 2021, with two completed drafts and a third (and final) in progress. For more accurate, up to date progress tracking, this spreadsheet is updated every writing session. After this draft will be two rounds of editing (from myself and another editor), then publishing! Yay! Release date is currently up in the air, but sometime in 2026 is the currently estimated goal.

TLYGM is adult fiction in the fantasy romance genre. There's plenty of cursing, as well as a bit of violence and sexual content. Both main characters are trans men, but themes of identity aren't delved into significantly. This book is about the characters, not the labels.

Newsletter setup is being put off until it becomes more of a demand; if you want [likely rare] email updates, submit your email address to this form and you'll be connected if/when those happen.

Thanks to anyone who has taken any interest in this 4.5 year passion project. All the progress made over the years is because of your support.

About the author;

R.E. Brenner is a 23 year old avid writer living in coastal Maine (ironically not far from Stephen King) with their boyfriend and cat. TLYGM will be their debut novel, with several ideas for more in the future. They published a short story on Vocal a few years ago, though it's nothing compared to the standard of writing they hold themself to in their novel.

The use of initials rather than a first name is a discreet way of preventing this book from falling into unwanted hands. Their first name isn't hard to find, but using initials for publishing should do the job.